hello from held newsletter

Tenaya Britton Tenaya Britton

New Year, New Experiences

There’s a lot of pressure this time of year to set goals - new year, more productive morning routine; new year, new workout; new year, new relationship with alcohol; new year, new job maybe; new year, new…Whatever the new year brings you, we hope you approach it with self-compassion and softness rather than a crushing load of endless self-improvement to-dos. And, if you do have goals for the new year, no one ever said they had to start on January 1st.

For January, we wanted to partner with Pot + Pan to provide more information on new experiences for dry January and more insight into the world of edibles. Pot + Pan is changing the conversation around cannabis, using a culinary-first approach and focusing on the lifestyle experience for its customers.

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Tenaya Britton Tenaya Britton

Nurturing Community - but what does that even mean? Potato, Potahto?

As we head into the holiday season, from the parties to the presents to the cookies and the cheer, life can often feel a bit exhausting as we all wear many hats - party planner, gift shopper, decorator, magic maker, community helper, etc. As we discussed at our November event, community can feel needed this time of year, especially at the end of this election year. Often, though, the hodge-podge of gatherings filling up our calendars can be overwhelming - so here’s another event! - just kidding. Well, yes, it is another event, but if socializing feels too much this time of year, this event has a twist: to help a local nonprofit continue doing amazing things.

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Tenaya Britton Tenaya Britton

Biting never bitter...Sweet never sassy...Mind your manners and more

Our next held event is a little over two weeks after Election Day - a day that holds so much at stake, especially for women. During a time when women’s rights are still being challenged, we wanted to bring attention to a time, over 100 years ago, when women couldn’t vote or even sketch nude models and how artist Peggy Bacon used her sharp wit and creativity to push those boundaries through her art. Bacon’s documentary prints and caricatures from 1918, just two years before the 19th amendment, and into the 1920s and 1930s provide a glimpse into the social culture of that time - with a side of humor and satire. Her pieces often find lightness in some of the everyday moments as well. From Print Magazine, “Depending on the subject, her line could speak with affection or wry, dry and mordant wit or brutal honesty. Sometimes all three.” The Portland Press Herald has a great piece covering this new PMA exhibit here. To read the full newsletter, click here.

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Tenaya Britton Tenaya Britton

Why hormone health and holistic care matter. And how managing those can lead to a happier, healthier life.

It all starts with puberty. You might have had your Phys Ed teacher or parents talk about your body during this time and the changes to expect. In your 20s and 30s, it might be about getting pregnant or not getting pregnant. This is when tracking a cycle might first begin. Those stages might last for years and change from one plan to another. During this time, there are mostly ten-minute OBGYN appointments once a year. From there, it might be fertility medications and/or postpartum hormone changes, as well as perimenopause and then menopause, as well as various other hormonal imbalances sprinkled in between. By the time most women reach the perimenopause stage of life, they are often in the dark about cycle tracking and hormonal swings and what types of nourishments, exercise, and treatments can help them feel more balanced and healthier.

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Tenaya Britton Tenaya Britton

So you want to throw a party! But how do you make it memorable?

The definition of party - a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment. Other words for party: gathering, festivity, celebration, get-together, jamboree. When forming held, we shared a common goal: to create more impactful community gatherings. We then listened to this podcast featuring Priya Parker, author of The Art of Gathering, and were even more inspired to bring held to life. Parker discusses why connection and purpose are so important - especially in our post-pandemic lives - and how to create it.

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Tenaya Britton Tenaya Britton

Why is play important? And what the heck is play as a grownup?

Being playful can feel silly, sometimes unproductive, and slightly ridiculous - but that’s the point. Play involves “a constellation of characteristics” and is focused on a means rather than an end. Play is imaginative and self-directed, with loose rules that leave room to explore and be creative. As we age, play is no longer part of our vocabulary, let alone our daily routine. But research tells us it’s important for our brains - whether you’re 4, 40, or 84! So, how can we be inspired to be more playful? We interviewed Jess Barzell on why she thinks play is important and how she incorporates it into her life.

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Mary Beth Golden Mary Beth Golden

All things seem possible in May. Or, at least, that's what we're telling ourselves!

The start of “spring” this year feels a bit heavier than others. I’m not sure if it’s the current state of the world, the endless seasonal colds, an election year, tax season, or the common conversations of the push and pull of trying to “do it all and be it all” amongst several women in these held circles, but leaning into the smell of blooming flowers, longer days full of sunshine and sandy toes makes us feel like anything is possible. We interviewed two financial advisors on easy steps to become more financially savvy.

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Mary Beth Golden Mary Beth Golden

hello from held: how it all started

As we start rolling out more held events and programming, we thought a newsletter might be a great way to share held news, thoughts, inspirations, and musings. Coming to your inbox once, perhaps twice a month max, hello from held will feature Q&A’s with held event hosts, inspirations for held, founder’s favorites, community spotlights, and more. You might laugh, cry, learn something new about someone or something, or hit unsubscribe…just kidding; don’t do that. Thanks for being here, and thanks for your support. It means so much to us.

Without further ado, we will kick it off with a Q&A that provides more insight into held - how this came about, our goals, and who would be a dream guest for held.

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Mary Beth Golden Mary Beth Golden

Let's talk about sex baby...In a fun, informative, and empowering way

The summer temperatures keep rising and it’s getting hot in here! Heat can spark our senses, especially the sexual senses. Sexual communication and empowerment have many different meanings, and sex itself can sometimes be an awkward and or triggering topic depending on someone’s past experiences. Our sexual preferences and how we communicate our sexual desires can change as we evolve through life experiences and relationships. We partnered with Jennifer Wiessner, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Sex Therapist, for a recently held event. Jennifer will help demystify the cultural reasons why we struggle to express our sexual desires and discuss methods to overcome those barriers, including past trauma, to become better communicators. We chatted with Jennifer below and asked her a few questions on the topics you will hear more about at our July 25th event.

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Mary Beth Golden Mary Beth Golden

Oh, the places you (should) go!

Ralph Waldo Emerson on summer - “Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” Sounds pretty simple. Sometimes, going back to those simple elements reminds us it doesn’t take much to seize the season, and an outdoor experience can be as simple as walking along a trail or reading a book while lying on a new beach. We interviewed Chelsea Diehl, travel author of the memoir, Just Up The Road, to learn more about her favorite Maine adventure spots and how to be more adventurous.

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Mary Beth Golden Mary Beth Golden

So you want to start a business...But where do you even begin?

Thinking about starting your own business is exciting, but that excitement can quickly become overwhelming with all the shoulds and should nots. Statistics also seem to be against taking the leap, showing that 20% of new businesses fail within the first two years. But people still do it—and studies also show that most entrepreneurs succeed on a second or third try—it’s sticking it out and trying again that can feel daunting! We interviewed several female business owners on what inspired them and ultimately motivated them to launch their businesses and the lessons they learned.

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