So you want to start a business...But where do you even begin?

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

You need an LLC! But first, a website! Do you have a social handle? You have to file taxes differently! The flexible schedule is amazing! You can never fully turn it off! Is the business unique enough? Who’s doing your logo? Do you have subscribers? What’s the difference between a Substack and a newsletter (I’m still trying to figure this out!)

Thinking about starting your own business is exciting, but that excitement can quickly become overwhelming with all the shoulds and should nots. Statistics seem to be against taking the leap as well, showing that 20% of new businesses fail within the first two years. But people still do it—and studies also show that most entrepreneurs succeed on a second or third try—it’s sticking it out and trying again that can feel daunting!

We interviewed several female business owners on what inspired them and ultimately motivated them to launch their businesses and the lessons they learned. Click here to read the full article.


Oh, the places you (should) go!