hello from held: how it all started

held Co-founders Mary Beth Golden and Tenaya Britton, photo by Jenny Bravo

As we start rolling out more held events and programming, Tenaya and I thought a newsletter might be a great way to share held news, thoughts, inspirations, and musings. Coming to your inbox once, perhaps twice a month max, hello from held will feature Q&A’s with held event hosts, inspirations for held, founder’s favorites, community spotlights, and more. You might laugh, cry, learn something new about someone or something, or hit unsubscribe…just kidding; don’t do that. Thanks for being here, and thanks for your support. It means so much to us. To read the full article on why we started held and our goals for the community, click here.


All things seem possible in May. Or, at least, that's what we're telling ourselves!


Let's talk about sex baby...In a fun, informative, and empowering way