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Communication and Sexual Empowerment

Attendees will leave this thought-provoking tutorial led by nationally renowned sex therapist Jennifer Wiessner more sexually empowered, less burdened, more knowledgeable on how to improve connection, and equipped with additional resources to help support them on their journey.


Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024

Time: 7 - 9 pm, please arrive by 7 pm

Location: O’Maine Studios, 54 Danforth St, Portland, ME. There’s public parking next to O’Maine Studios or neighborhood parking along Danforth, High, and Spring Streets.

Fee: $75* per person for drinks, bites, and an educational tutorial with a renowned therapist

*As we develop different types of events, we are working on prices to make these events sustainable. If cost is a factor, we want to help. For each event, we set aside tickets just for this purpose. Please email us at

Cancellation policy: All sales are final and non-refundable. However, your tickets are transferable to an individual. If transferred to someone, please email us their name and email address at

What to expect

The topic and goals - Human connection is at the heart of each held gathering. Our goals are always twofold: to spark meaningful connections that ultimately foster a deeply rooted community and to inspire women with a specific topic. For our July event, we’ll learn about communication and sexual empowerment with Jennifer Wiessner, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Certified Sex Therapist. There are many reasons why we don’t feel comfortable discussing our sexuality. Jennifer will share the societal reasons behind it and ways to take control so that we can become more sexually empowered. With this thought-provoking tutorial and discussion, attendees will feel less burdened, acquire knowledge on improving connection, and leave with additional resources to help support them on their journey.

NOTE: One’s sexuality and sexual history can kick up emotions. Some of us have trauma and may be triggered when discussing different topics surrounding sex and sexuality. We want to ensure you have the space to take care of yourself during the event. There will be areas around O’Maine Studios where you can take breaks if need be.

Writing down questions and intentions - Guests will be greeted with a drink and asked to privately write down their intentions for the evening and any questions they might have. Questions will be placed in a bowl, and Jennifer will answer randomly later in the evening.

Opening remarks - Mary Beth and Tenaya will welcome everyone, share the held concept, and give an overview of the night’s event. They’ll introduce Jennifer Wiessner, who will share her background, why she’s passionate about this topic, and what led her to become a sex therapist.

Group warmup - Sitting in a circle, the group will answer questions anonymously on a card. Everyone will then crumple up their card and throw it to the center of the room. Folks will then randomly pick up a crumpled card and sit back down. Jennifer will read the same questions aloud and ask those with specific answers on their chosen cards to stand. The exercise will illustrate solidarity with experiences and issues we’ve all dealt with but in safety through anonymity.

Tutorial on communication around sex and empowerment* - Jennifer will help demystify the cultural reasons why we struggle to express our sexual desires and discuss methods to overcome those barriers to become better communicators. Some of you might be in partnerships where you both struggle to discuss sex because of how you were raised or because of other reasons. Some of you might be in a stage of your life where your sexual desires have changed, and you need help navigating those needs. Wherever you are in your journey, this session will be beneficial. The motto for the evening will be: lessons leave, stories stay. *Jennifer will pay attention to the group's needs and be flexible in the direction of the evening to best support the group.

Closing remarks - Tenaya and Mary Beth will provide closing remarks, takeaways with additional resources curated by Jennifer, and a survey for attendee feedback. Those who want to stay for a bit can mingle and chat with Jennifer.

Read our Substack interview with Jennifer Wiessner to learn more about tips for becoming more sexually empowered.

Jennifer Wiessner

Jennifer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist, sex educator, couples therapist, and consultant in Maine. She has a private therapy and sexual health consultation practice and sees couples, groups, and adult individuals. She created and facilitated the Girls on Fire workshops for teens and the popular Raising Sexually Healthy Children workshops and parent consultations to educate parents, medical providers, and educators on why talking to youth about sexuality is a healthy, necessary, and regular part of life. Along with being a sex and faith educator and public speaking on healthy sexuality in hospitals, schools, colleges, and social groups, Jennifer provides non-therapy individual and couples consultations to get them on track with their sexual selves.

Jennifer was the 2023 winner of Maine Family Planning's Significant Contributor Award for Sexual Health Education. Jennifer is a mom to two teenage sons and partnered with Greg of 25 years, all of whom inspire her to do her work.

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